Duc M. Nguyen

Department of Computer & Information Science, University of Pennsylvania.


3401 Walnut Street

Philadelphia, PA 19104

Hi there, I’m Duc. I’m a 4th-year Ph.D. student at the department of Computer and Information Science at the University of Pennsylvania (with an expected graduation of Summer 2024). I do research on machine learning, with a focus on probabilistic models and their applications to ranking, crowdsourcing and recommendation systems. Feel free to have a quick look at my research page and reach out at mdnguyen at upenn at edu dot com.

At Penn, I work with Prof. Anderson Y Zhang (Wharton Statistics) and Prof. Shivani Agarwal (Computer Science). Before Penn, I obtained my BS in Computer Science at Tufts University where I worked with Shuchin Aeron, Mike Hughes and Roni Khardon.